At St Pauls Chambers, we hold extensive experience in all manner of terrorism cases, including race hate, inciting hatred, terrorist offences or with a terrorist connection, and Explosive Substance Act offences. 

What is Terrorism?

Terrorism“, as defined in Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000, has three legal ingredients (two where firearms or explosives are involved):

  • First, the use or threat of action that involves serious violence against a person; serious damage to property; endangers the life of a person other than the offender; creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of them; or is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously disrupt an electronic system.
  • Second, the use or threat of action is designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation; to intimidate the public or a section of the public unless the use or threat of action involves the use of firearms or explosives.
  • Third, the use or threat of action must be made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

The Terrorism Acts of 2000 and 2006, together with the Counter Terrorism Act of 2008, create a comprehensive scheme of offences, investigatory powers and post-conviction measures for dealing with terrorism.

The available offences range from, for example:

  • Possessing information useful to a terrorist (TA 2000 s58)
  • Encouraging terrorism (TA 2006 s1)
  • Preparing acts of terrorism (TA 2006 s5)
  • Inciting terrorism abroad up to and including offences of murder (TA 2000 s5)
  • Being a member or supporter of a proscribed terrorist organisation (TA 2000 ss11-12)
  • Various offences re: funding of terrorism or those engaged in it (for example TA 2000 s17)

Closely allied to terrorist offences are offences under the Explosive Substances Act 1883 and offences of stirring up hatred on the grounds of race; religion or sexual orientation under Parts III and IIIA of the Public Order Act 1986.

For adept defense in terrorism cases, trust Jonathan Sandiford KC and Denise Breen-Lawton.  With a proven track record in prosecuting cases related to terrorism, explosive offenses, and hate crimes, they offer expert insight. To instruct a specialist barrister, get in touch with our clerking team today.

“The clerking team is responsive, extremely approachable and knowledgeable”

The Legal 500

Get in touch

For further information and enquiries please contact our clerks team.

Terrorism Barristers

Denise Breen-Lawton KC

Joint Head of Chambers

Call: 2000 Silk: 2024

John Harrison KC

John Harrison KC

Call: 1994 Silk: 2016

Jonathan Sandiford KC

Call: 1992 Silk: 2020

Hal Watson

Hal Watson

Call: 2003

Helen Chapman

Helen Chapman

Call: 2006

Angus MacDonald

Angus MacDonald

Call: 2009

Contact Us

Chambers is centrally located within walking distance of the train station, secure car parks and the Courts.

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St Pauls Chambers
Park Row House
19-20 Park Row

For out of hours assistance please call the senior clerk on 07854170429.

The switchboard will open from 08:30 until 17:30

Phone: +44 (0)1132 455 866
Email: [email protected]
CJSM: [email protected]

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